Adding Custom Domains

This tutorial will demonstrate how to add additional domains to A2Perf.

Path to A2Perf Domains

Domains are stored in A2Perf/a2perf/domains. Currently, you’ll find the main domains in this folder such as circuit_training, quadruped_locomotion, and web_navigation. There are also additional modules such as tfa that is there for interfacing with Tensorflow Agents.

Creating a new domain

To add a new domain:

  1. Create a new folder in the domains directory. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will create a new domain called “my_domain”:

cd A2Perf/a2perf/domains
mkdir my_domain
  1. Inside of my_domain, create the following files:


  • [any other files needed for your domain]

  1. Inside of, you will need to register your domain with gymnasium. Here is an example of how we do this for the web navigation domain:

import gymnasium as gym
import pkg_resources

base_url_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('',
base_url = f'file://{base_url_path}/'
data_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        '', 'data')


Note: The base_url_path, base_url, and data_dir are specific to web navigation and are not necessary for your domain.

Additional configurations

When adding a new domain, you may need to configure additional settings:

  1. Docker configurations: In a2perf/launch/, add entries for your new domain:

    a. In the get_docker_instructions function:

    docker_instructions = {
        # ... existing entries ...
        BenchmarkDomain.MY_DOMAIN.value: common_setup + [
            # Add your domain-specific Docker instructions here
            # E.g., installing dependencies, setting up the environment

    b. In the get_entrypoint function:

    entrypoints = {
        # ... existing entries ...
        BenchmarkDomain.MY_DOMAIN.value: xm.CommandList([
            # Add your domain-specific entrypoint commands here
  2. Update constants: In a2perf/, add your new domain to the BenchmarkDomain enum and update the ENV_NAMES dictionary:

    import enum
    import gin
    class BenchmarkDomain(enum.Enum):
        QUADRUPED_LOCOMOTION = "QuadrupedLocomotion"
        WEB_NAVIGATION = "WebNavigation"
        CIRCUIT_TRAINING = "CircuitTraining"
        MY_DOMAIN = "MyDomain"  # Add your new domain here
    # ... (other existing code)
    ENV_NAMES = {
        # ... (existing domains)
        BenchmarkDomain.MY_DOMAIN: [
            # Add all the environment names for your new domain